Online Therapy in Ontario – RN Psychotherapists

online therapy ontario

Written by Tori Hamilton, BScN, RN, IBCLC, PMH-C

I am a registered nurse psychotherapist, IBCLC, and mom of four. I have additional trainings in psychotherapy techniques involving Internal Family Systems, Compassionate Inquiry, and Brainspotting. Please check out my other articles and join the email list for additional supports. To book sessions, visit my other website

January 27, 2022

Many of us are feeling the weight of the pandemic more than ever right now. With frequent changes to restriction requirements, unknowns about school closures, working from home off and on, and the pressures placed on family dynamics & friendships… Life is really hard right now. Let’s answer some of your questions about accessing online therapy in Ontario

How can I access online therapy in Ontario?

You can book in with one of our RN Psychotherapists to access therapy in Ontario. One of the great things about the pandemic is that many practitioners have learned how to use secure online platforms to provide teletherapy to their clients.

Many people actually enjoy online therapy more than in-person for a couple of reasons:

  • Less time off work due to travel
  • No need to arrange childcare (depending on your situation/how old the child is)
  • You don’t need to leave your home
  • There is no pressure to look a certain way
  • You feel more comfortable in your own space
  • Easier to fit sessions in with a busy schedule

Who are your online therapy sessions for?

While this website is primarily geared towards moms & families who need support, we have experience working with clients of all ages. If you are not a parent, you can check out this website for additional information. If you have any questions about accessing online therapy in Ontario, please email [email protected]. We typically respond within 24 hours. We also do offer free discovery calls to make sure we are a good fit before moving forwards.

What is a RN Psychotherapist & how can you help?

RN psychotherapists are Registered Nurses with specialized training in mental health. Nurses in their practice combine their compassion with their strong assessment skills. Online therapy sessions are available across Ontario. I use a holistic blend of therapy modalities including talk therapy, compassionate inquiry, internal family systems, polyvagal theory, and sensorimotor psychotherapy.

Are our services for online therapy in Ontario free?

We are individual RN psychotherapists who charge a fee per session. The great thing about working with a nurse psychotherapist is that you may be eligible for coverage through your extended benefits plan. Each plan has different requirements and coverage, so make sure to give your plan a call to find out what you are covered for.

If you do not have coverage, you can submit your payment receipts at tax time as a medical expense write-off. In addition, there is no tax charged for our services as we are Registered Health Professionals.

You can see more info about our services and how to book here.

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1 Comment

  1. Jennifer Bent

    Hi there,

    I am a registered nurse and I am interested in perusing a career in psychotherapy. Would you be willing to have a conversation about your experience with the nurse psychotherapy courses you took and with your experience opening a private practice? I would appreciate any time you can provide me.

    Thanks in advance.



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